Sunday, August 2, 2020



Once in a while, right in the middle of our life – universe gives us that person who knows you in and out and will stand by you irrespective of any damn thing.

A person who would listen to you for hours and hours irrespective of your rantings or venting out for anything and everything.

A person who would never judge you for whoever you are

A person who will guide you when you don’t seem to find the way

A person who would go to extreme lengths irrespective of what they are for you

A person who would push you to be the best version of yourself at every step of your life

A person who would fight the world for you

A person who would also talk sense into you when you go wrong

A person who would get you back on track when you wander somewhere you shouldn’t be

A person who would never ever turn their backs on you in fact they would always have your back at all times

A person who would never ask you to change (except for bad habits)

A person who would make you laugh at all times with their antics irrespective of how foolish they would look

A person who would hold your hand in troubled times and still make you laugh

A person for whom your happiness and sadness will be exactly the same as their own

A person who will look beyond your imperfections and love you the way you are

A person who would be your worst critic and best well wisher always

A person of your own – and even if it’s the only person you have – you my reader are blessed with the best of them that they call – FRIEND!

We all have them, don’t we?












In the times we are living today, all of us have (and are surrounded with) opinions about everything and anything!

The fact that anyone and everyone is welcome to voice out their views, opinions, experiences is a great revolution and an amazing change in the times of 2020!

As long as it’s on contemporary, political, economic issues etc. – opinions are welcome and these days any topic is pretty debatable and quite constructive as well.

But when it comes as one’s opinions on an individual – behavior, character, background, class, color etc. – it takes a different angle altogether and why not?

To be honest, I have witnessed how such judge mental views can hamper anyone be it you or me for that matter specially when the individual is hardly known to the specific person.

It affects in a way – that sometimes people lose their qualities just because they are judged by people i.e. society!

Sometimes people give up the things that make them unique just because “society” judged/didn’t find them worthy enough.

And sometimes, people end up giving up their existence because they are so affected by the society – societal norms and pressure!

They succumbed not because they were weak – but just because those people had a heart to understand the “so called societal norms”.

But tell me something what if we ask some questions to ourselves rather than being affected by all of that – (answer lies within us)

Why are we so affected by people being judgmental of us?

Why do we let it affect us so bad that either we self-doubt ourselves or retaliate?

Why do we give someone that much power over us to dictate us? Overrule us?

Why do we have to give such people that much of importance?

Why does someone else has that authority to tell us how we are and how we aren’t?

Why are such people are even being heard at the first place?

 I mean I’m a person who loves herself. No matter what – the situation turns out to be I have the audacity to love myself even in my bad phases (trust me on that – they have been never ending for quite some time now) I don’t let anyone have that power on me to demean me – judge me – belittle me!


Who are they to do that to us?

Aren’t we capable enough to understand ourselves what’s good for us and what’s not?

Aren’t we mindful enough to process only the positivity and not the negativity?

Aren’t we educated enough to know that we don’t need these kinds of validations from anyone – mind you anyone but ourselves or the people who are our own!?

Why to give such beautiful powers to people who aren’t worth even a dime?


They say, what you give power – has power over you!


THINK – why to give that power to someone who isn’t worth even a dime forget anything else!

In this beautiful life – if we don’t negate these kinds, what are we actually focusing on?


Breathe Positivity – Exhale Negativity!

Love & Light To All!


F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Once in a while, right in the middle of our life – universe gives us that person who knows you in and out and will stand ...